What am I doing here?
Here I am sitting and waiting on a whine vampire. Also I haven't seen Cain, I don't like waiting on my enemies to come looking for me. I guess the other me can be content to let him ambush us one day, but I'm not. I put another quarter in the juke box, and Listen to Black Hole Sun, here in my dark little corner drinking my whiskey sour. Then I sense a vampire ki and this weasely looking little vamp comes in. He's about 5'5 with hair that doesn't look like it's been washed in years. This is the first blood sucker I've seen with acne, he takes the envelope my other's secretary left at the bar. I discreetly follow him . When we're out of site from the denizens of Crime Alley I pounce on him. " What the?" he yells with a squeaky voice . " Hey wait I know you your the one who's trying to steal the master's wife." "And you've got something I want!" I pull his hair and pin him against the wall I take out the envelope. And let him go. " The master will hear of this!" he whines. " Yeah yeah!" I say. Man that guy's hair was disgusting. I wiped grease and what I thought was insects off my hands, but I thought if it was an unpleasant experience for me it would also be one for his brethren. That's why I put a homing device in it. I went back into the bar and washed my hands. In my timeline this guy might have an excuse , but soap and water are plentiful here. I then look in the envelope. It's the security codes for Capsule Corp! It also shows where to have the easiest access, and when our guards change shifts. They can just come in when Mother , Father, and Bra are asleep. Well I have no choice I have to follow this undead loser back to his nest. I have to save tart's sister, and kill every vamp. I need backup, but my mother, and sister (still not used to that.) hate Ms Tart, and Father will probably listen to mother on this. Maybe Goku or Gohan? No they'll be talked out of helping as well. All the sudden a voice in my head chimed in" If you need a problem fixed call MR Fixit." I heard about this guy when I was a teen ager "How's a bouncer from a casino supposed to help us?" I asked my other self. " Well, well for once you don't have all the answers do you?" " Quit playing around around and just tell me." I say " he answers "Joe Fixit, is the Hulk." " "Woah!" I say " Now that can be useful. How do we get the Hulk to help us?" he laughed " one thing we have plenty of my other me, money." Labels: Poster: Mirai Trunks |
good luck Trunks! (Which ever one you are.)
So you come to me my brother ... Hmph I will deal with you soon enough
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