Match: well that was a cluster@$#^
Me, and Fury escaped the fight with Legacy. That Inertia clone that I unleashed on the world had it's brain, and and heart eaten by something, something that I don't think any member of Legacy is nuts enough to do. Well maybe Vincent. the rest of our little group was locked into the Vault except for Heroslayer, he apparently killed himself couldn't happen to a nicer nut job. But that does bring up a dilemma. We didn't get paid. So we did what any self respecting super villain would do, we looted his HQS. Took as much money as we could find, and stole the all of his machines, and devices. what we didn't want to keep, we sold to other super villains. So now that we have some money we're thinking of going on a little vacation. We were thinking somewhere hot and tropical that takes in the more evil kind, but without all these zombies that are attacking everyone lately what's up with that? Well we did find a nice little resort with the right amount of money laundering and no asking questions. I was on the beach drinking some weird tropical drink that I'm sure has no alcohol in it... or my my powers are fighting off the effects stupid Kryptonian powers. When I hear Fury ask " Wanna play touch football?" I look up to say how dumb an idea that is when well take a look. I can't believe it took me this long to discover it was a clothes optional resort... I'm really going to like my vacation. |
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