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    Name: Buzz the Bartender
    Location: Crime Alley Night Club
    I just tend a little bar and listening to all the criminals... I always have my ears open
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Proud Member of Heroes : United [Blog/Forum]

Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Match Elimnated. Or turning lemons into lemonade.

I was just eliminated from World's Toughest Henchman. Meh. I made it to the final three, and got to have some fun destroying whatever was in my way. I will admit leaving this hotel room kind of sucks though me and Fury have kind of trashed it.

Hey what can I say? Boy of steel, girl of steel, hotel room of Kleenex.

Fury comes up to me with all these papers.

" What's this?"

She smiles. " Job offers."

" What?" I respond.

She grins . " A lot of people saw how we accomplished things on the show, and they want to hire us."

" Hmmm why not? That thug in Las Vegas Joe Fixit takes money from heroes to assist them. Match, and Fury villains for hire . I like the sound of that."

So the two of us are starting up a business. Oh, and I hear Superboy, and Wondergirl are coming after us. well bring it you losers. Two more Titans will end up on the dead list if you do though.

1 Sat at the bar:

Blogger Jean-Luc Picard gossips...

Job offers? In this day and age there might be a lot of applicants.

11:58 AM  

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