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    Name: Buzz the Bartender
    Location: Crime Alley Night Club
    I just tend a little bar and listening to all the criminals... I always have my ears open
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Proud Member of Heroes : United [Blog/Forum]

Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

There is no greater power than the power of love

Justice has been in a lot of pain. I have become weakened with the constant feeding her organelles from my own body and using my powers to heal ... Or to try to heal...

Justice ran away and I panicked...

Luckily I traced the bracelet I gave her.

I found her with someone named Joe Fix-it

I haven't been able to figure out why I thought I saw Isabel when I looked at one of Justice's souls, but it doesn't matter.

Joe Fix-it left for some mission and returned later that day, well actually it was night.

Justice was resting and I had my hands on her back feeding her organelles as I gave her a massage.

I hear a commotion past the door. I know it has to be Justice's Dad.

This is certainly not a good time, like someone who has lost a lot of blood I am weak, but since when do these things happen at a good time.

I cast a shield around Justice and turn as Mirai enters.

He laughs as I stand between him and Justice, "Please I’ve killed you twice already. And one of those times I slaughtered your children in front of you. The power Time Trapper has given me makes me more than a techno mage can even hope to defeat.“

I refuse to believe him and attack him. I could end this quickly by just casting the Spell of Destruction but then I would hurt Justice.

I can not destroy her father in front of her... but I can not allow him to harm her either...

If he did do the things he said then they were in alternate Universes where I had not learn the Spell of Destruction or had freed my tech.

For I know I would have used the spell before allowing him to murder my children.

However with my weakened state I am unable to fight him as I would... I fall to my knees in pain.

As he spits blood from his mouth I hear Justice crying out to her father and him say horrid things to her.

Then he dared spoke of Isabel and that Justice has Isabel's soul. My tech starts burning wanting to use my most powerful spells and the spell of destruction. I become fevered from its powering up and sweat pours down my face. The air encircling me heats up but I stifle it. I can not use the spell of destruction, I must control my rage.

Suddenly I think I am seeing double...
“Get up magician!" good Mirai yells

I yell back, “I am not a magician! I'm a technomage!"

“Potahto, potAto." He smirks “You want to prove your worth to me as a suitor for my little princess? Then get on your feet and fight besides me help me protect her and I'll accept you." He challenges

I stand to face the imposture whom laughs “You two idiots? I'll tear you to pieces!"

“Hmph." Miari responds, “Your new power maybe able to defeat one of us but I truly doubt you can stop both of us." Mirai sends Justice away. I hear her voice in my head that she is with her mother, who was waiting for her and preparing to what is necessary to protect her.

He smirks at me, "Ready?"

“Yes." I say grinding my teeth Mirai has untied my hands. Justice is not here and this imposture will get what he deserves for hurting her.

“Let’s kick his ass." He commands

“Indeed." A small grin comes to my lips as I allow my tech to become empower and prepare to use the spell of destruction, "Fool! My hands are no longer tied. I may have held back to protect Justice from being emotionally hurt by me harming her father but you.. You are an Imposture and now you will pay greatly."

Stormcutter flies before me and Mirai yells, "No! Don't use that spell.. Hurt him, defeat him but do not kill him. I do not have time to explain."

"Very well, I spat! But you would be surprised what the body can actually live through. Even a half Sayian body!"

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2 Sat at the bar:

Blogger Nepharia gossips...

Well, at least he's talking to if you just can both survive.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous gossips...

yes and I am glad

3:24 AM  

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