I'm enjoying this
Ever since these fools have freed me, they ,ve been sending me against thier so called "Super villains." It seems Stark, made a deal with these people and then turned on them . I love it these so called heroes are acting like my father! Not that it matters I get to crush these human fools , and see what kind of powers they have . I Crushed this fool called the abomination , before breakfast this morning,. After Lunch I took down these two called Roughouse , and Bloodscream. The vampire thing thought bleeding me with his touch would stop me! He was wrong! He bragged about how he couldn't be killed by metal made by man. I laugh at him " Who said anything about killing you? I'll You've been drafted! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" I was supposed to go after others when Stark wanted me to beat a confession from Nick Fury. He refused and ended up in a hospital bed Hahahahahahahahhaha! I was supposed to go after the Henchman, but Agent deacon had some one else I could take down. Labels: Poster: Brolly |
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