The damn Question found out who I am! he sent me a letter telling me to meet him in Gotham. Gotham is a big city, I didn't know where to meet him until what used to be the Bat signal shone over the city. It was changed into a question mark. It was then lowered onto a building. I follow it to find him standing on the building illuminated by the signal light. " Nice to meet you again Heroslayer, or should I say Super Shield? You know I had to dig up your grave to be sure, Super Shield isn't in there. I guess that's because he's standing right in front of me! Why would a D class super hero decide to start killing others? Jealousy?" " My father the first Super shield died in WW2 Fighting Nazis! But who gets all the press? Captain America!" I shout. " I tired to be a hero but I was never given any publicity! I thought the Civil War was my chance! But then it all became about Tony freaking Stark!" I can't tell what the question's expression is under that mask but he shakes his head. "Poor baby! Guess what you loser we all have it rough. You've killed or injured too many good people because your petty. One way or another your going to to pay!" As he comes towards me my fear of him comes back I can't help it I'm paralysed then this voice comes from somewhere I realize it's coming from me. " You pathetic fool! He's just a man in a funny mask! I guess I possessed the wrong person! I'll take care of this fool! What? I'm being used I was just a puppet? Against my will I pull a gun on Question who kicks it out of my hand. I grab his throat , and start beating him using martial arts moves I never learned. I have super strength why would I need them ? Well that's what I thought Until Cassandra Cain kicked my ass. But this ... thing controlling me must have been the one to defeat her. and The Titans, and Terra. Come now Question, do you truly believe this idiot could have a procure all the weapons in this crusade? Or invent new ones? Or know magic? I Was the true Heroslayer the whole time! " I took over this moron and made him believe he was the one who thought this up I used his jealousy to strike out at my enemies! " Who are you?" Question asks. " When I was alive I fought young heroes, because they were going to be the ones I would have to face when I grew up. Now I just want revenge! You should have never challenged Heroslayer faceless man! You only came to .....Harm! " A batarang flies past me! I turn my gaze to Batman! " Ah Batman! " " The thing inside my mind shouts with glee. " How is my old pal Robin doing ? Pass him along a message for me! Tell him demons Are having their way with Spoiler, while she shouts his name crying for help, Tim! Tim! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Also She accuses you of her death she curses you with every other breathe! You know I might just send you to her! After all your only mortal! " " Harm" opens my hand. And some kind of automatic missile launcher is taken out of my belt he then shoots at batman A red blur flies in front of him and missiles melt. " I may be mortal." Batman ...smiles? "But I have back up!!" " Superman? Ha! Too bad it isn't Kon-El. I would love to kick his ass one more time. But now this this will be my greatest challenge! Battling the World's Finest! A challenge I accept readily!" Labels: Poster: Heroslayer |
OOh this is gonna be good *grabs popcorn * :)
It's that kind of attitude young man that causes Internet Jesus to cry.
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