Some time in the near future.
For the last few weeks we've been scouting Alucrad's territory in West City. The City has been split amongst four warlords Alcurad Is the son of Vlad Dracule or as he's more commonly known Dracula.
My cousin Wolfgang has been having a feud with the Dracule family like his mother Vampirella before him. Lucky he didn't bring that Cammy girl I met the last time I saw I aunt Vampi with him she bugs the Hell out of me.
I wonder what Wolfgang would say if I told him I remember a time when he didn't even exist. I suppose a world with out Black Zero ruling had the chance to create people who weren't in it originally.
With me are my League of Assassins, My mate Gwen, and the son of Wolverine, and Shi. Jamie Howlett. Have no idea what Rodent Jr is doing here. Probably looking for trouble.
Alucard's part is hell for the people here. They’re all raised as farm animals fro the monsters here the zombies, creatures, etc. eat the flesh, while the vampires drink the blood.
I admit I've done some things that some will consider evil but this is a new low. The Rodent spawn puts his claws in my face. “Well bub? Are we going to do something about this? Are going to play live action Metal Gear for a few more weeks?"
“Get your ki claws out of my face or I'll remind you what happens when a Logan threatens a Saiyan Prince."
“You mean qi claws."
“No I mean Ki!"
Gwen gets in between us “Children please! This is not stealthy."
“I am not a child Gwen." I admonish.
"Then act like it." She growls.
“Sigh. Attack! “I order all the others stationed around the area heard my order telepathically. Wolfgang killed the guards of the pins in the blink of and then released the humans and gave them weapons. While other monsters tried to back up the others.
They were taken out by the assassins, others of my group attacked different parts of Alucard’s territory. While this chaos was happening I fly Gwen, And Jamie to the his base an insult to my family as I'm sure it's meant to be Capsule Corp.
I snuck in using a teleporter Great Grandpa Briefs built into the place. It would piss him, and grandma off to see what happened to all the inventions they had created they were scattered, and destroyed; many neglected collecting dust, and cobwebs.
We exit the room, and go down the corridors when female Vampires, the human changed kind. ‘Join us forever..." They purr.
“I smirk and look over the rodent.” Sic 'em boy."
“Bite me monkey. Any way darlings your vampire whiles won't work on me graaaar!"
As he slashes them with his energy claws I sniff out where Alcurad's putrid scent. I find him in the what used to be grandfather Vegeta's Gravity Room.
“I expected another Saiyan frankly." He laughs then he smells me. “Cassandra? You’re Cassandra's child?" I smirk as I see his pain in his body language " She bred with that saiyan?!"
Gwen shoots him in the face with a an arrow that sprays garlic in his face a full blooded Drakulonain like Alucard wouldn't die from that allergy but that has to sting. “We’re taking over this territory Stalker!" She declares
"Ah young Gwen. You have grown quite beautiful. The spitting image of Stephanie. Tell me is your mother still with that pathetic Batman wannabe?"
"None of your business weirdo." She spits.
“I offered your mothers immortality, and yet they spurned me in lieu of a life of growing old with a mundane human athlete, and a saiyan's offspring."
"Yeah I'm sure they would have loved being blood sucking parasites." Gwen grunts.
While they're talking I try to lop his head off with my sword. He catches my blade. His body language says he was going to try to bite me instead he ate my fist.
He tries a couple of times more to hit me actually landing a shot or two but mostly ending up on the floor. The next second I'm blasted by some kind of magic my whole body stings as I'm thrown through the wall.
While I recover Gwen fight with Alucard blasting him with a solar gun, and a pair of Adamantium gloves, don't know where she got those, he catches her by the neck. “I’ll turn you into a vampire girl I'm not giving you a choice."
At that moment I break out of the rubble pissed.

Gwen kicks him in the balls then flips out of the way I snarl. “Burn!" I fire Dragon Flame. He jumps out the window set ablaze. I watch as he flies off into the distance all my assassins call in, and tell me the monsters are all are dead.
There's a weird thing, all the warlords did they put up flags, and graffiti all over there territories with a symbol. Alcurad's was a bat how convientnt since my mother, and adopted grandfather loved to dress like bats.
I ordered my minions to alter with something my father will be happy about when he hears about it the Saiyan Royal symbol. So now it's a combination representing both of my heritages.
After everything settles down Wolfgang leaves to fight Alucard. Me I get the fun of trying to organize the newly freed people. I look over to Jaime “So when are you going to leave?"
“I’m not going anywhere rookie haven't had this kind of fun in some time." Great.
"Tch! That's the last of monster Bruce's followers let go. Bah! Stupid assassins what are up to Bruce? I will find out little brother. And if I don't like the answer I'm shutting you and your ninja groupies down." |