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    Name: Buzz the Bartender
    Location: Crime Alley Night Club
    I just tend a little bar and listening to all the criminals... I always have my ears open
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ghost ship.. part one

As I flew my ship I heard the ping that alerted me that we were getting close to the Excalibur.

I took a look, "Well Shiara, We are home."

My familiar took her chosen shape as the while cat.

The Excalibur was orbiting another Dead World... The ruins were the Kraetorian Cities. At least what was left of them. The Kraetorian were an ancient race which died mysteriously 1010 years ago. Their Cities was integrated into the towering Mountains and had been covered by over a century's worth of plant growth.

I contacted the Excalibur and requested to come aboard...

"The Captain is on the surface." Lieutenant John Matheson informed me.

"Well then I will just pop down and see how things are going." I say...

I fly my ship below to the ruins in which they staring at...

"Galen." The Captain gives me a quick glance.

I smile, "Matthew. Is there a problem?"

Dureena burrows up from the ground and emerges covered with green dirt... "No good Captain, Whatever is in that room, they didn't want anyone to get to it. Oh Hi Galen."

Just then our Cooperation man as Matthew calls him enters, "I can't believe it a find of a lifetime and we can't get in..."

"Maximilian, why are we waisting time with this particular area?" I ask recognizing that this is a weapons depot and not a clinic or hospital where the cure for the Drahk Plague might be.

The Captain flashes him an annoyed look.... The Archaeologist shoots back at me, "These things would go better if you were always disappearing. Where were you when the Zekon attacked?"

He attempts to walk over to me and Shiara hisses at him...

Matthew instructs everyone to pack up and tells the good man that after we find the cure he will gladly help him get into the tomb.

I walk with my old friend, he looks at me, oh here it comes, "Mr Eilerson has a point Galen. If you stuck around more we might have better luck."

"Matthew please, the Zekon are nothing more than small gnats. The only thing one of their Skivers can accomplish is being a nuienseance." I shrug..

"Well, that is all they really were. Except one female that insisted on screaming some high pitch battle cry. No, it just... I am out of ideas... 2 years we have been looking for this damn cure and we have nothing. " He rubs his temples...

I can understand his frustrations...

Once alone on my ship Shiara turned back to her humanoid form, she had wanted to return to help her friends but I had been aways from the Excalibur for too long.

I thought she was going to ask to return to help them and was preparing to tell her to go when she surprised me by asking me something else...

"Galen, the virus is a nano-virus isn't. Maybe I could..." She stopped as she allowed her thoughts to quiet her..

"You would be dead... This is Shadow tech we are dealing with and you may be a Technopath but you are not strong enough to control them before they kill you." I sit in my chair...

"but maybe I can make an anti-virus, it will take some work." She went quiet again and then looked up suddenly, "Have you went to Azu'ha'du, It is rumored to be one of many Shadow bases hidden beyond the rim. 600 years ago one of the Ghree's salvage ships were found, all hands dead.. blown into space... The Captain claimed he found..."

I finished her sentence, "a scary ancient base containing the remains of several races both known and unknown that had died... They were experimenting... His last sentence stated that a virus had gotten loose on his ship and everyone was dying... His crew panicked and in an attempted of a mutiny there was an accident. The Ghree order the ship to be destroyed but something happened and it disappeared."

She stepped closer with one of her atlases, "Dad loved maps. So when I see maps I buy them. I got this one, it is a particle map but is suppose to give the location of the ship."

I took the map... I will call in a helping hand and then the three of us will have a lot of work to do... I then sent a Techno-message to Alwyn....


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2 Sat at the bar:

Blogger Jean-Luc Picard gossips...

Don't lose the map!

12:35 PM  
Blogger Shiara gossips...

I wont

7:33 AM  

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