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    Name: Buzz the Bartender
    Location: Crime Alley Night Club
    I just tend a little bar and listening to all the criminals... I always have my ears open
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Monday, November 05, 2007

Ghost Ship part 2: The Cat nose.... what?

Continued from here...

I was sitting in Galen's lap... Listening to everyone go over the star charts and data...

I had given Galen my atlases and he in turn had given copies to Captain Gideon...

"These charts take us quite a distance out side the galactic rim, it will be hard to identify some of the---e---e--- achooo!" Matthew grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, "Galen does that cat have to be here?"

"Shiara is my Familiar Matthew, She goes where I do.." Galen stated in his mystical tone... "Besides it didn't bother you before..."

"Well, I am just allergic to cat hairs so it bother me now." He snapped...

I could feel a power coming from nearly behind Galen... A strong force, strong Tech energy.. I alerted Galen...

"What is it Shiara?" My master turned his head as did everyone else just as the other Technomage walk in...

"MY it seems you were expecting me..." the older man said as he glanced down at Galen and did a double take... "My boy I never pictured you a cat lover..."

Galen smiled, "Alwyn, this is Shiara ... my familiar..."

He bowed and then wink.. I meowed...

He clapped his hands and began to rub them together, "So I hear you have a map leading you to Azu'ha'du."

Galen smiled side ways, "Actually it is to the Ghree Salvage ship... "

Eilerson snapped his fingers, "I have figured the symbols out... Lt, we are going through the Kassi Nebula."

The Captain ordered the ship to take course and Galen stood.. knocking me to the floor (good thing we land on our feet.)

He nodded at Alwyn, "If you will excuse us I and Alwyn have some business to discuss."

We returned to Galen's ship and they sat in a hologram, depicting a nice camp fire. "I am surprised you are actually going to try to find this ship."

"Alwyn, we need the cure and it is our best chance... Besides the Shadows are gone and if the Drahk had it... Earth wouldn't have 5 years to find the cure..." He stated in his tone of doom...

Alwyn nodded at me, "Wouldn't she be more comfortable... " he waved his hand, "I mean no sense on standing on ceremony just for me..."

Galen looked down at me, "You can take any form you like Shiara, you do not need..."

I changed and put my hands on my hips, "I am suppose to be a secret Galen... I can do my job of protecting you better..."

Alwyn laughed, "Oh I see what you mean Galen..."

I just shook my head...

I made Galen and his guest some tea while they discussed the dangers in entering a ship which had found a long lost Shadow base...

for 5 days we traveled... Finally Galen was called to the bridge... I followed close at his heel... (like a good cat and familiar)

"This is where the Map says... but as you can see nothing...." No sooner did Gideon get the words from his mouth did Lt Matheson speak up, "We got something on sensors, a crude fuel leak... It leads to that solar systems.. Looks like the fourth planet's gravitational pull caught it... We do have debris of what may be a ship in orbit...."

He nodded for us to move the ship... "Lt?"

The second in command nodded, "We have a crash site of a large vessel, it's possible silhouette does match that of an old Ghree Salvage ship.."

Dr Chambers spoke up, "We should check for contamination of the Drahk Plague before going down. It will take me 6 hours.."

"Matthew meanwhile might a suggest probes..." Galen stated...

The Captain agreed and Alwyn and Galen sent some of there owns down with those of the Excalibur's

We marveled at the image.... It was definitely the ship we were looking for... Could this be it? Could we have found the cure?


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3 Sat at the bar:

Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator gossips...

Perhaps the cat knows cat noses.

5:59 AM  
Blogger Jean-Luc Picard gossips...

I suggest running in the opposite direction rather than checking.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous gossips...

lol Jon

If we did and the cure is there Earth dies JP so we have no choice we have to go in

4:55 AM  

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