Between a hulk and a hard place
" So yer th' guy that killed Kristy's Sister. Well Maybe Cain ain't got what it takes ta put ya down but I do!" Joe began knocking police officers out of the way. Gohan yelled, " Come on Cabain we have to stop Fixit!" "I don't think so. If I help anyone it's going to be the Monster!" I said. "Cain... No.." it was the wind blowing my name. I turned and saw Karen's ghost. She stepped in front of Joe, "No Joe! Let the police have him. If you want to help, then go be with my sister in her time of grief. Please Joe." I think the grey hulk was as shocked as I was... However as quick as we saw her she was gone The Police grabbed five fingers and was hauling him away as he screamed, "I will give you the Black Plague!" Just then he fell dead... Joe looked at me and I looked at him. No one had done anything... Then I felt it, "Mindflayers, but they are gone now." Searching through the five fingers home they found the real weapon and Son Goku was released. Joe slumbered off upset he hadnt be able to kill five finger... I went to fly off and Gohan followed "Mom is having some kind of pic-nic why dont you come." The Great Sayian man said to me "You know as well as I do I do not belong there." I said "Nonsense, besides She said Vampi and Miari wanted everyone there." He said.. I went relunctantly. Chi-chi was there, she was waiting for Son Goku. Goten was there with my sister Bra. My brother was there with a blond girl. Gohan and his family was there... I sat in a cornor... Thinking of what to do next and not really feeling if I belonged here... Then Goku arrived with Hotstuff and some green kid holding a large trophy. I heard the Father made took the first step when he sent me the armor so it was time for me to push a side my pride and do.... well do what I wanted the first time I learned who my father was... I walked up and grabbed a hold of him and embraced him "Father." I said Labels: Poster: Cabain |
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