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    Name: Buzz the Bartender
    Location: Crime Alley Night Club
    I just tend a little bar and listening to all the criminals... I always have my ears open
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Proud Member of Heroes : United [Blog/Forum]

Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Becoming family

Kakarot teleported us to my father. Father and the man that is my grandfather stood facing one another.

Father at first didn't want to believe it was King Vegeta, at least not at first...

" I see you have accepted my gift I am glad." Father says looking at me.

We join him for a feast, I was eating. "Seems like your hungry Cabain." Father said with a bit of a laugh

I smiled, "Karren can't cook...." I said then stopped, lowering my head and putting my fork down.
How I would give anything to eat her terrible cooking again

As I walked away I heard one of my brothers say to father, "He isnt taking Karren's death to well. He hasnt been himself."

I starred out at the horizon and My father approached.

"Cabain, we will wish her back." I looked at my Father.

"I know." I paused "Tell me about my mother." I asked and he looked shocked, "She died when I was so young. Sometimes its all I can do to remember her face but as the years have past it has been a loosing battle. If it werent for pictures."

Father patted me on my back, "Go with your grandfather, find what happened to the colonies, when you return we should be able to wish Karren back."

The colonies, everyone I have found has been annihilated


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Between a hulk and a hard place

" So yer th' guy that killed Kristy's Sister. Well Maybe Cain ain't got what it takes ta put ya down but I do!"

Joe began knocking police officers out of the way.

Gohan yelled, " Come on Cabain we have to stop Fixit!"

"I don't think so. If I help anyone it's going to be the Monster!" I said.

"Cain... No.." it was the wind blowing my name. I turned and saw Karen's ghost.

She stepped in front of Joe, "No Joe! Let the police have him. If you want to help, then go be with my sister in her time of grief. Please Joe."

I think the grey hulk was as shocked as I was... However as quick as we saw her she was gone

The Police grabbed five fingers and was hauling him away as he screamed, "I will give you the Black Plague!"

Just then he fell dead... Joe looked at me and I looked at him. No one had done anything...

Then I felt it, "Mindflayers, but they are gone now."

Searching through the five fingers home they found the real weapon and Son Goku was released.

Joe slumbered off upset he hadnt be able to kill five finger...

I went to fly off and Gohan followed

"Mom is having some kind of pic-nic why dont you come." The Great Sayian man said to me

"You know as well as I do I do not belong there." I said

"Nonsense, besides She said Vampi and Miari wanted everyone there." He said..

I went relunctantly.

Chi-chi was there, she was waiting for Son Goku. Goten was there with my sister Bra.
My brother was there with a blond girl. Gohan and his family was there...

I sat in a cornor... Thinking of what to do next and not really feeling if I belonged here...
Then Goku arrived with Hotstuff and some green kid holding a large trophy. I heard the Clown... I mean Son Goku greet my other brother Miari, who had came in with his girlfriend and...

Father made took the first step when he sent me the armor so it was time for me to push a side my pride and do.... well do what I wanted the first time I learned who my father was...

I walked up and grabbed a hold of him and embraced him

"Father." I said


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Gift

Dragonballs? Ressurecting the dead... Foolish fairy tales... I was think as I flew off...
I was sure where I was going... I was just flying. I am not sure for how long I was flying then I heard her voice... "Cain...." It was karen but it was soft like the howling of the wind... At first I thought that is what it was... Bah! the wind even taunts me... "Cain..." The second time I knew it wasnt the wind it was her... of course there had been a mistake she wasnt dead.. she wasnt ...

I stopped flying looking around.. "Cain." I looked in alley-ways and up and down streets... "Cain."
I turned I was standing in front of a Net-Cafe... All the tables had computers attached to them and loads of people drinking coffee and surfing the internet... I was just about to turn away when I saw her ghostl image in one of the computer screens...

"Cain." The guy in front of him jumped and I pulled him away from the table... Her image slowly disappeared... I placed my hand on the screen..

"Cain." she appeared again and then was gone, like the the last flash of a light buld... "KAREN!" I screamed as I fell to the table my head resting on the screen.. The manager of the place came over... "I am sorry but this computer is being used, if your interested in renting one you will have to wait in the Q." I then caught a glimps... It was an online newspaper... The man sitting here before had been reading current events... There was an article about Karen's murder and a statement from the police chief... I clicked the link bringing up the article... "Sir! SIR! You can not use these computers without paying first and you can not use this one..." The short guy beside me bellowed.... I began to read...

[At the door Gohan dressed as the Sayian man enters... He sees a man, the manager and another man a customer yelling at Cain... He hears Cain mummble under his breath... "Gohan was right.. but who is this other Son Goku why did he kill Karen? I do not know him.. or do I? Maybe a family member or friend of someone I killed? If that is true. then... then I am as responsible for her death...." He watches Cain throw money at the two men, lots of it and stumble in a grieving stubor away... Gohan realizes that in another time, Cain would have killed these two men. Karen was wrong... Cain will not change, he is changing... Cain leaves through another door and Gohan follows]

I returned to my apartment, I was regretting returning here. I went straight to training the faces of everyone I had killed flooded my head... WHo was this Man who killed Karen and why?
I realized there was only one who could answer my questions...

Just then the doorbell rang.. At first I had hoped it was the police coming to tell me that it was all a mistake but I knew better... As I opened the door I was handed a box... It was from Vegeta, my father. This was certainly a surprise... I sat the box on the coffee table and opened it... I stumbled and needed to sit but missed the chair and landed on the floor...

I removed the armor from the box.. There was no note, but there didnt have to be.. I clutched it to my chest and sat there for sometime.

I went to the bedroom and put it on... I stood looking in the mirror as a moment I was happy, that is until I realize I could not share this moment with Karen...

I left to speak with this Son Goku, I needed answers and it was time to tie up some loose threads... For Karen...

I went to the Jail where they was keeping him and fired a blast at the wall... I walked in the jail...

"Why?" I said as I looked at Karen's killer

"Who are you?" he stuttard

"The woman you killed her name was Karen."

"You are her husband?" He asked

"As far as I am concened yes... Now why?" I asked

"You came to kill me didnt you? but I am innocent! I didnt kill anyone! Oh please dont kill me." The worm groveled and beg for his life...

I saw Gohan's shadow, "He didnt do it Cabain, but I know who did. Promise me you hand him over to the police and I will help you find him." he looked at me and the armor I wore.

I shook my head no, "No, he dies but after I will allow you to take me in to the authorities, for his death and all the others..."

I flew away and Gohan followed, "No one has any proof. "

I looked over my shoulder, "no but they will get a confession."

"I guess there is some good in you after all." Gohan said I turned to face him quickly, "No there isn't. It is to honor Karen, nothing more nothing less."

"You know brother I will not let you kill her killer." He said and I ignored him not responding even to him calling me brother.

"How do you know about her killer?" I asked

"Karen's ghost visited me." He said and I stopped to face him again.

"Karen... her ghost..." I said

"I was debating whether I should tell you, but yes. I also know why." he continued...

I grabbed him shaking him a bit, "Was it because of someone I have killed?"

"NO Cabain, he is one of ... he works for the Black Plague."

I released him and flew to the ground sitting on a rock...

"Of course it makes since. I can not kill Victor. I ... I owe him. However, I will not protect him any longer." I flew off..

"What does that mean?" Gohan asked and I aswered, "When I give my confession I will also answer the police's questions... All of them and I know already what some of them will be."


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Finding my brother

So I went with Goten to find my brother Miari who appears to be trapped in Vampis body...
Goten did a good job teleporting us into Vlad's Castle

Miari screams...
"Did you hear that?" Goten asked me...

I nodded... "Its day here so I suppose everyone is a sleep.." I said

"Not Vlad and the Drakulonians... Like Vampi the sun dont effect them... Only the turned ones.." Goten said

"Good then perhaps we can get a good fight..."

"If only I could remember how I turned to shadow before" Miari thinks to himself
Just then he turns into Vapor

Madek yells, "She has used..."

Both Vampi's brother and sister turned to the door as Goten and I enter...

"Goten get Miari out of here, this litter of uglies are mine..." I said with full intent on ridding the world of this Vampire coven...

As I was fighting the sister and brother 4 more Vampires ran in and the two coward siblings of Vampi disappeared...

"Miari turn back..." Goten said...

I saw Miari trying to tur back... "Quick they made me drink something I am slowly forgetting..." My brother said... as he finally reformed

I just had blasted a Drakulonian to dust when I saw one appear with a sword behind Goten who was knelt down helping Miari...

"Watch you back!" I yelled and saw it was going to be too late... I knew that sword was heading for his skull and would kill him, I moved with quick speed and shoved Goten away taking the sword into my ribs.....

"Cain!" Goten yelled

"Damn Clown spawn, Get him and yourself out of here..." I yelled at the fool...

I pulled the sword from my side and as Goten left with Miari, many Drakulonians piled on me...
I began to dispose quickly of the Drakulonians... Sadly Dracula and Vampis brother and sister had fled my grasp...

I fell to the ground bleeding and Goten appeared, We teleported to the clowns house where I blacked out

When I woke again.. Everyone was there....
Including one pissed off witch dr..

Goku walked up to try to speak with me and I decided I should leave before I get another of his lectures...
Just then I sensed the Mindflayers, they told me Karren was dead killed by Goku...

I lundged at him and both Bra and Goten grabbed me...

The mindflayers sent a psionic blast which caused everyone including me to past out...

I woke angry yelling at them that they could have harmed my sister... I found Kristy sitting in the hospital morgue... Her face was colorless and her eyes blank in shock... She just sat crying over and over that she had only left for a second to get a drink...

I looked down at Karren's lifeless body... I felt him teleport behind me...

I turn choking back tears and looked at him... "So this is what comes from being good and doing good deeds... "

"Listen Cain my dad...." Goten said...

"Took the only person that believed in me.. Karren was good not me... He took her from me and he will pay with his life or he will send me to be with her..." I said turning away

Goten tried to stop me as I walked away but I left him there and went to find Son Goku...

As I left I saw Goten pick Kristy up and teleport her away...


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

No this is not over!

He thinks he knows me, this clown. However he doesn't know me at all....
He won this battle... but it is far from over...

Karren came out of her Coma... I have left her in the care of Kristy while I see Victor...

"Cain please come in... You know I am not happy with you..." The Black Plague said

I didnt hesitate, "Did you order a hot on Joe Fix-it..."

"No but I have heard of it... I have no idea who did but someone wants to steal my nieghborhood." He looked at the bruises.. "Please tell me that filly of yours didnt do..."

"Do not concern yourself with this, I am fine..." I walked away...

he sighed and stood, "What has happened to us? You were like my son the one I could depend on... Do you for get who ..."

"I have forgotten nothing it is just..." I snapped, "Did you know of my nanny?"

Victor sat down, "Yeah I did... "

"Why didnt you tell... you know forget it... I am through with you...." I said walking out

"Is she worth it Cain? better make sure before you go cutting off the only person that ever helped you..."

That was the last thing Victor said to me... No NO this has nothing to do with what the Clown said... I am.... I was.... a victim....

Its his fault.... my fathers... if he cared if he wasnt such a bastard .... bah excuses, he didnt know me... he does now and still he turns his back....
I went back to Karren... i laid next to her sleeping body...


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Monday, May 15, 2006

It is time to do what Father neglected to do

" Goku you Fool! Fixit escaped because of you!"

" No you escaped a beating, I've fought the green guy once he's tough."

" Idiot! I should kill you! ,and your color blind he turns grey not green."

" If you want to try and kill me reaper follow me out to a wasteland I owe you for what you did to Goten anyway."

" Fine lead the way Clown!"

Once we got to the location the clown suggested I decided not to waste time playing with the fool...

I went immediately to SS4... As did he....

I heard Bra, "SON GOKU! STOP!"

"Bra stay out of this," we both said...

I was going to rid us of this clown once and for all when suddenly before we could fight I heard........

"It ... is..... the.... slute... and .... Ka.... karot!.... Kakarot!....." The Sayian hulk stammered

I prepared to blast this beast, "I told you not to call my sister that!"

The clown teleported behind me and stop me, "You can be as arrogant as your father.."

I shoved the fool... Then I heard in the other direction.... "Cain! I m not finished wit you yet..."

The Grey Hulk on one side and the Sayian Hulk on the other...

" Ka.... karot!.... Kakarot!..... I.... will.... kill.... you....!" Brolly said


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Revenge is best served cold....

Joe hurt Karen and he hurt her really bad... I sat watching Kristy cry over her body... She laid in a comma...

I heard someone running in the hall, I sensed two very familiar Kis... My beloved sister and her clown spawn boyfriend...

Bra reached up and gave me a hug, "Oh Cabain, I am so sorry..."

goten glared at me and I just pulled away my anger and need to exact revenge swelling...

Bra shook me, "Cabain... Well?"

"Well what? " I said...

"What did the Dr say?" my sister asked...

"They did all they could, she is in a coma... At this point they dont know if she will make it..." I said..

The Clown walked up and reached his hand to me, "Dude I brought some senzu beans..."

Bra took them and walked in the room with Kristy I stood at the door and looked at Goten, "If they help her I will owe you..."

"Your not that stupid are you..." Goten asked...

I glared at him and before I could answer, "You and Vegeta you both have the same look... I know that look and going after Joe is just dumb..."
I grabbed and shoved him against the wall,"Listen clown do not compare me to that man as for my inttentions concerning Joe fix it they are none of your bussiness." I said with Bra pulling me off of Goten...

I looked at Karren... "Kristy watch over her.. I will be back later..."

Bra tried to talk me out of it but I was going to see Victor first and make sure I was right about him not having anything to do with this and then I would make joe pay for what he did to Karren

As I left I heard my sister tell Goten to go fetch that clown spawn of a father of his...

AS if Kakarot would stop me from beating the life out of that maniac....


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Monsters... In my city.

I sensed..... ki levels that were different than those of ........ Normal humans I... Went into the sewers to investigate. I find children fighting monsters......
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I care...... Not for the human ....... Cubs....... But the monsters .........Shall be interesting ...... To hunt.... I see the children losing...... Then a Devil ....Child attacks.

It is dressed like K.......Kakarot! I shall crush it just for .......Offending me! I....... Watch the battle after a while...... Namek child and a ghost come in.......The prey gets more interesting...... When... I am about to make myself ......... Known......I hear...... " I am the Champion of Justice! I am he who will not let evil prevail! I am the Great Saiyaman!"

The son of Kakarot......G-Gohan!

He has brought a little girl with.......Him. I can smell it is ......His!

I come out of the Shadows...... " Gohan!"

" Oh Hell! It's Brolly !" he says. " Your dead!"

" I can never die...... I always......Come back!

" We can take him Sinsa!" says the devil.

" Yeah he's just a steroid freak!" says Gohan's daughter.

" No! Your not ready to fight him! Stay behind me! You too monster squad!"

" Gohan..... Can not save you children...... I will bathe in your ...... blood and his.

" He's even sicker than last time I fought him." said Gohan.

A monster comes up to me " Hey man save what's left for us to eat." I crush it's head. This makes..... Their leader..... "Bob" mad. "War wolves strike him down!" I..... Kill them with a ki blast. Then I point at Bob " After this is over........ There will be only one ......Monster left standing! Me. ...... Then Gohan you...... And those children you protect will die!"

A thing.... That looks like a Smurf..... Called Mr Bad Wrench .... tries to hit me .... I

.... Tear off it's arm and beat it with it's own wrench! I put out it's ..... Cigar in it's eye socket. Soon Monster bodies ......Are piling up.......Some I blast...... Most I tear ...... Apart with my bare hands. Soon! ......Soon I will kill...... All these things then .......I shall crush..... My hated enemy ......Gohan.


Buzz says, "Pull up a chair. I just heard some bar-room gossip from ." Want to Read Just 's Posts?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've healed

The boy.... And his slut Princess, thought they could..... Kill me? Hah! I.... have healed. Now.... I hear ... at the bar ... Somone named ..... Reaper ....looking for other saiyans....... colonies. too.....bad he will not find any. I have ..... been destrying those colonies.....for years. Soon....I will be the only saiyan left. I live others must die.
