Alwyn and I sent some of own probes down with those of the Excalibur's
We marveled at the image.... It was definitely the ship we were looking for... Could this be it? Could we have found the cure?
"Mr Eilerson! Is it or IS it not the 600 years ago old Ghreen salvage ship which we are looking for?" Matthew yelled...
It had been days since we first saw the ship... Half of it was buried deep in the ground, most of it was damaged...
As usual Maximilien was working to decipher the written alien language..
Alwyn whispered, "He has been at it for days.."
"Yes, but he is the best. I have no doubt sooner or later he will translate it..." I whisper back
"He is a pain in the ass!" Alwyn spat...
 I smirked, "Indeed he is..."
Max's reply to the Captain drew our attention, "No one has ever truly seen ancient Ghree text.. Since the Ghree influenced several races... I have to be sure this is Ghree and not Cilia or Bergu or... "
"Enough excuses!" Matthew sighed and walked over to us... "Enjoying the show?"
"Yes quite entertaining." I smile at the Captain.
"Where is your..... cat... familiar..." He says looking around...
"Watching the sunset I suppose..." I say and then rise...
 "Captain.." It was Dr Chambers and Durena, "We think we may have found something.. A chamber, It is in the segment that is buried..."
We stood and proceeded in the direction they pointed too... Suddenly a blast shot past exploding a near by rock. It was awfully close to hitting me...
 I grabbed Alwyn and our good Dr and followed the Captain and Durena to take cover behind a large boulder.. Soon we were joined by Maximilien after we witness the death of several of his fellow IPX comrades...
The Captain fired his PPG while Alwyn and I shot fireballs and electric plasma beams They were firing weapons similar to the Thrakallan v'kk'xo PP Weapon Dr Chambers tried her link to inform the Excalibur we were under fire. "No response... We are being Jammed!"
 My Amulet was glowing, it started the minute the first shot was fired... Mathew glared at me as he ducked from several shots, "Can you stop that thing!"
I knew it must be an alarm system signaling to Shiara that we were being attacked...
"We should get into the Ship, we would have more cover.." Durena offered..
 The Captain nodded, "We need cover..."
Just then the sky darkened with a large flying dragon approaching us... For the first time we saw who was firing at us.. It was the Drakh.. They looked at the Dragon coming from behind them in the air.. Max titled his head to the side, "Alwyn you have improved your Holo-dragon... I thought you preferred yellow ones with red eyes.. Not that I am complaining, this one looks more real..."
As the Dragon swooped down and grabbed a Drakh with her mouth... "It is not mine." Alwyn replied at the same time Matthew added, "A little too real.."
"Might I suggest we run." Max exclaimed as the dragon threw the Drakh and then breathed fire and a group of other Drakh soldiers..
The Dragon set down and Shiara transformed, wearing black battle amour with the green dragon glyphs...
"It's a woman!" I heard someone say...
 "Yes it is Shiara my familiar.." I say as Shiara leaps into battle and goes hand to hand...
Shiara summons her Nano Weapons, first a pair of Sais... After throwing one and leaving the other stabbed in the throat of one Drakh she pulled her magical knuckles...
They are her preferred weapon at times I believe.. Designed like brass knuckles they are far more dangerous...
The hand weapon fits in the palm the hand with a leather hallow grip with easy access holes for the fingers
It is the part over the knuckles and on the side where the thumb rest that makes these weapons not only deadly but not your average brawler weapon
For across the knuckles is a blade resembling that of the blade or bit of an axe... It has a solid swivel head piece that fits over the blade making it a solid blunt weapon on the thumb rest is a release button so with the slight thumb and wrist movement the swivel head came be flipped from the blade and will slide carefully into the leather palm grip, much the way one may handle a switch blade knife...
One quick flip of the wrist and the solid pieces lifts turns and slides into the hallow leather grip... exposing a sharp and deadly blade... The blade is made of a tough diamond sharp metal...
They are black and have the green Dragon glyphs edged in them..
Shiara wields one in each of her hands and uses it to deal with the rest of our attackers...
We stand and watch...
"You know, your new girlfriend is making you look bad Galen." Matthew jested
"We technomages are not soldiers. We never pick up a club and start beating people in the heads. We obviously are very powerful and cerebral. We find a different way than that of being physical. So We leave that sort of thing to .... well those like you." I reply... "and... Matthew... She is not my girlfriend.."
Just then Shiara threw hew knuckles into a boulder and from her legs pulled the tattoo of a Dragon away and it turned into a whip... She used it to subdue a Drakh who was attempting to flee...
"Probably a good thing Galen. Not sure you want to date a woman who knows how to use a whip." Matthew added...
Max then join the conversation, "I don't know those are normally the most exciting women..." He paused as we looked at him, "So I have heard.." He did a double look at us suggesting he was a bit embraced... and hoping he had convinced us.. of what I will leave to you to contemplate...
"Are you going to help her?" Durena blurted out
Alwyn then smiled, "Shiara doesn't look as if she needs our help.."
With that the battle was over, Shiara gathered her weapons as they turned into mini snake like dragons and re-entered her skin only to transform into small dragon glyphs on her body...
Captain's link then sounded.. It was the Excalibur.... panicked of course...
"I destroyed the jamming device.." Shiara stated looking at everyone...
 There was no time for me to introduce Shiara properly... After calming the first officer on board the Excalibur... Gathering the Drakh who were alive for questioning, we knew we had a bigger problem...
The Drakh probably had a battleship on it's way... At least we know we are on the right track ...
TBCLabels: Alwyn, amulet, Chambers, drakh, drakh plague, Durena, electric plasma beam, Excalibur, familiar, fireball, galen, Ghree, IPX, knuckles, Matthew, Max Eilerson, nano-cloth, nano-weapons, Poster: Galen, PPG, Shiara |